collected volumes
3. (together with Gernot Hebenstreit) "Translation im Wandel. Social, Conceptual and Didactic Perspectives, Berlin: Frank&Timme 2022.
2. Großegger, Elisabeth, Marinelli-König, Gertraud (eds.), Nikola Batušić † History of German Language Theater in Croatia. (Theatergeschichte Österreichs X/7). Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW 2017 [publisher's information here, proofreading of manuscript for printing].
1.(with Gertraud Marinelli-König) "New Bees of Foreign Literatures. Literary Transfer between Slavic Cultures and the German-Speaking World in the Age of World Literature (1770-1850). Wiesbaden 2016: Harrassowitz (= Buchforschung. Beiträge zum Buchwesen in Österreich. Vol. 8) [Publisher information here].