Past Events
Symposium: 300 Jahre nach Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
organized by the student union of the Department of Philosophy together with the section History of Philosophy.
Mozartgasse 3 (Meerscheinschlössl), 9. June 2016,
10 a. m. - 5 p. m.
Sarah TROPPER (London): "Leibniz und das Problem der Einfachheit"
Ursula RENZ (Klagenfurt): "Machtmetaphysik vs. Theodizee"
Simone DE ANGELIS (Graz): "Leibniz und das Innere der Natur"
Werner SAUER (Graz): "Das 'Praedicatum inest subiecto'-Prinzip" (This lecture was canceled on grounds of ill health. Substitute lecture: Giuseppe MOTTA (Graz): "Leibniz und Wolff über die Grundlagen der Metaphysik")
Udo THIEL (Graz): "Apperzeption und Selbstbewusstsein bei Leibniz"
Current Events
- Series of lectures Kant in Graz in summer semester 2016.
Up to now the following lectures are confirmed:
Manfred BAUM (Wuppertal): "Apperzeption und Natur in Kants B-Deduktion". Wednesday 11.05.2016 at 6:45 p. m., Mozartgasse 3 (Meerscheinschlössl) HS 23.03.
Manfred BAUM: Seminar with students "Die zwei Beweisschritte der B-Deduktion der reinen Verstandesbegriffe in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft". Thursday 12.05.2016 at 10:15 a. m., Heinrichstraße 33 (section History of Philosophy) library.
Henny BLOMME: "Kants Tafel des Nichts". Thursday 12.05.2016 at 6 p. m., Department of Philosophy, Heinrichstraße 26/5, UR 09.53.
Günter ZÖLLER (Munich): "Conditions of Objectivity. Kant's Critical Conception of Transcendental Logic". Thursday 23.06.2016 at 18:45 p. m., Mozartgasse 3 (Meerscheinschlössl) HS 23.03 (discussion in German).
- Series of lectures Kant in Graz in winter Semester 2015/16 with:
Reinhard BRANDT (Marburg): "Kants Systeme", on 11 November 2015 (Seminar with students on 12 November 2015).
Dieter HÜNING (Trier): "Kant und die Lehre vom doux commerce. Über den Zusammenhang von Handel, Recht und Frieden in Kants Geschichtsphilosophie", on 10 December 2015.
Paola RUMORE (Torino): "Kant's idea of the immortality of the soul within the German debate of the time", on 16 December 2015.
Tobias ROSEFELDT (HU Berlin): "Die Identität des Subjekts und die Einheit der Zeit", on 20 January 2016 (Seminar with students on the same day).
Ernst-Otto ONNASCH (Utrecht): "Karl Leonhards Rolle für die Verbreitung der kantischen Philosophie", on 27 January 2016.
- Co-convenor of an International Conference Ordnung in der Gemeinschaft. Zur Wirkungsgeschichte der antiken Politischen Philosophie, organised together with Bruno Langmeier and Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie Österreich (GANPHÖ), 13 to 14 November 2014, University of Graz. [program]
- Co-convenor of an International Conference Immanuel Kant: Die Einheit des Bewusstseins, organised together with Giuseppe Motta, 19 to 20 September 2014, University of Graz. Visiting Speakers: Dietmar Heidemann (Luxembourg), Corey Dyck (Western Ontario), Falk Wunderlich (Mainz), Thomas Sturm (Barcelona), Henny Blomme (Brussels), Piero Giordanetti (Milan), Bernd Dörflinger (Trier), Dennis Schulting (Munich), Thomas Höwing (Frankfurt), Camilla Serck-Hanssen (Oslo), Violetta Waibel (Vienna), Heiner F. Klemme (Mainz).
- Co-convenor of a Symposium 300 Jahre Étienne Bonnot de Condillac. Philosophie zwischen Tradition und Aufklärung, organised by the student union of the Department of Philosophy, together with the student union of the Department of Art History on 22 May 2014. Visiting Speakers: Simone De Angelis (Graz): Condillac und der Sensualismus, Empirismus; Wolfgang Proß (Bern): Condillacs 'Geschichte des menschlichen Geistes' als Modell kultureller Entwicklung; Gerhard Scharbert (Berlin): 'Les cris naturels'. Condillacs Sprachtheorie im Kontext einer neuen Ästhetik um 1850; Giuseppe Motta (Graz): L'archéologie du frivole. Derrida liest Condillac. [pictures]
- Co-convenor of a Symposium 300 Jahre Diderot, organised by the student union of the Department of Philosophy, together with the student union of the Department of Romance Studies and the Department of Romance Studies on 14 June 2013. Visiting Speakers: Simone De Angelis (Graz): Diderot und die Wissenschaften; Simone Zurbuchen (Lausanne): Zerbrochene Freundschaft: Diderot gegen Rousseau über Philosophie und Patronage; Karl Acham (Graz): Naturrecht und Moral. Zu den Grundlagen von Diderots Sozialphilosophie; Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Saarbrücken): Diderot als historischer Denker. Zum Verhältnis von Geschichtsphilosophie, literarischer Fiktion und intellektuellem Engagement in seinem Spätwerk; Klaus-Dieter Ertler (Graz): Diderots Erzählsystem vor dem Hintergrund der Moralischen Wochenschriften. [pictures]
- International Conference Debates, Polemics and Controversies in Early Modern Philosophy of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy (ESEMP), University of Grenoble, 30 January to 1 February 2013 (ESEMP Vice-President and member of the organizing committee). Moderation of the section Philosophy of Mind.
- Co-convenor of a Symposium Rousseau nach 300 Jahren, organised by the student union of the Department of Philosophy on 22 June 2012. Visiting Speakers: Simone De Angelis (Graz): Rousseau und der Orang-Utan; Gideon Stiening (München): Une maison simple et bien réglée? Zur Politischen Theorie und Praxis in La Nouvelle Héloïse; Heiner F. Klemme (Mainz): Kant und Rousseau; Nenad Miscevic (Maribor): Social Contract as Thought Experiment.
- Convenor of Prof. Patricia Kitcher's visit (Columbia University) on 26 April 2012 (Presentation on A Kantian Critique of Current Approaches to Self-Knowledge).
- Co-convenor of an International and interdisciplinary Conference Johann Nicolaus Tetens (1736-1807) und die Tradition des europäischen Empirismus, 16 to 18 February 2012, University of Graz. [flyer with program]
- Member of the organizing committee for the 13th Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25. - 29. July 2011 at the University of Graz (October 2009 to July 2011).
- Co-convenor of a Symposium 300 Jahre David Hume, organised by the student union of the Department of Philosophy on 10 June 2011. Visiting Speakers: Prof. Andreas Dorschel (Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz): Von der Philosophie zur Historiographie. Reflexionen über den Weg David Humes; Prof. Lothar Kreimendahl (University of Mannheim): Humes Religionsphilosophie und ihre Quellen.
- Convenor of Prof. Stephen Gaukroger's visit (University of Sydney, University of Aberdeen) on 10 May 2011 (Presentation on Hume's Naturalism: Judgement and Sensibility).
- Convenor of the Symposium Philosophy and its Past: Spätantike - Mittelalter - Frühe Neuzeit. Ein Symposium für Wolfgang Gombocz, 21 January 2011. Visiting Speakers: Prof. Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Freie Universität Berlin): Lessings Geschichte. Die Ordnung des Kommenden; Dr. Hans Kraml (Innsbruck): Gibt es ein Standardlehrbuch der Logik im Mittelalter?
- Convenor of Prof. Ursula Renz's visit (Universität Klagenfurt) on 29 June 2010 (Presentation on Aktivität und Passivität des Verstandes im Rationalismus. Response by Harald Berger, University of Graz).
- Convenor of Prof. Dominik Perler's visit (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin) on 10 November 2009 (Presentation on Inferentialismus oder Repräsentationalismus? Ideentheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit).
Previous Employment: Australian National University
- Convenor of weekly staff seminars at the Department of Philosophy (1997, 2004).
- Convenor of a Symposium Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy, held at the Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Philosophy, Auckland, New Zealand (1997).
- Co-convenor (with Paul Thom) of Aristotle and Aristotelianism - Conference of the Australasian Society for the History of Philosophy (1995).
- Co-convenor (with Knud Haakonssen) of Kant and Philosophical Theories of Human Nature in the Eighteenth Century - Conference of the Australasian Society for the History of Philosophy (1994).
- Convenor of Visiting Fellowship for Prof. Reinhardt Brandt (Marburg), Department of Philosophy (1993 to 1994).
- Co-convenor (with Knud Haakonssen) of Voluntarism in Metaphysics and Morals from Ockham to Kant - Conference of the Australasian Society for the History of Philosophy (1993).
- Convenor of Visiting Fellowship for Prof. John Rogers (Keele), Department of Philosophy (1992).
- Co-convenor (with Knud Haakonssen) of the conference Cartesian Themes (1992).