Under the Earth Under the Skin (2001)
An experimental, digitally produced, documentary movie on the Human Rights subway station Westhafen in Berlin, Germany, designed by Francoise Schein and Barbara Reiter.
Directors: Barbara Reiter and Allison Ruda.
Produced by Yellow Kitchen in Cambridge, MA, USA, in the spring of 2001.
Significance (2002)
Parts One - Two - Three - Four
Significance is an experimental documentary about the meaning of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in everyday life. It combines the commentaries of more than 30 persons - lawyers, philosophers, teachers, artists, workers - with pictures from our daily family life in New York in the winter and spring of the years 2001 and 2002. Its stars are Norman, the doorman of our house, and Charlotte, our 2,5 year old daughter. The film follows these two through their day, from dawn to bedtime.
Directed by Barbara Reiter
Written by Barbara Reiter and Danielle Celermajer
Barbara Reiter

Arbeitsbereich Praktische Philosophie
Attemsgasse 25/II
A-8010 Graz