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Mag. David Gruber, LL.M.

David Gruber works as a PhD researcher at the department for Global Governance at University of Graz, Austria. He assists Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bilyana Petkova, MSL (Yale), with her research and teaching on Law & Technology, Urban Law and European Constitutionalism. His own research focuses on Law & Technology, European Governance and Public Comparative Law. Outlining a theoretical framework on EU Digital Governance, his doctoral thesis examines inter alia the GDPR, the DSA and DMA package, and the AI-Act proposal.

Mag. Laura Papasodaro LL.M.

Laura Papasodaro is a research assistant in the teams of Professor Petkova and Professor Eisenberger in the field of Law and Technology, since October 2021. Prior to this, she has been a Data Protection Officer trainee at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and a research intern at UNIDROIT – International Institute for the Unification of Private Law. Laura has studied law and specialised in international, European and comparative law within the double degree program of the University of Milan and the Université Toulouse I Capitole. Her main research interests are in the field of law and technology, mainly data protection and fundamental rights.

External Researchers

Laíse Milena Barbosa (Brazil)

Coimbra Group Grant Holder

Topic: Facebook Oversight Board & Content Moderation


Hannes Mayer,  hannes.mayer(at)uni-graz.at

 Institute of the Foundations of Law

Universitätsstraße 15, B1
8010 Graz

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