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Publikationen seit 2019
Quality assured publications
Meyer, Lukas; Timothy Waligore (2024). Supersession and Compensation for Historical Injustice. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 27,4. doi:10.1080/13698230.2024.2309051
Meyer, Lukas; Pölzler, Thomas (2022). Bisogni di base e sufficienza: le fondazioni della giustizia intergenerazionale. In: Lessico di Etica Pubblica. 13,1. 1-29.
Steininger, Karl; Williges Keith, Andrew; Meyer, Lukas; Maczek, Florian; Riahi, Keywan (2022). Sharing the effort of the European Green Deal among countries. In: Nature Communications. 13,3673. 2022. 1-13. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-31204-8
Meyer, Lukas (2022). 为什么应当考虑历史排放. In: Yuejiang Academic Journal. 14,3. 27-38. doi:10.13878/j.cnki.yjxk.2022.03.005
Pölzler, Thomas; Ortner, Florian; Meyer, Lukas; Sass, Oliver; Hofer, Miriam (2022). Natural Hazards under Climate Change Conditions: A Case Study of Expectations and their Normative Significance in Protecting Alpine Communities. In: Natural Hazards Review. 23,2. 15. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527- 6996.0000543
Meyer, Lukas; Timothy Waligore (2022). Superseding historical injustice? New critical assessments. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 25,3. 319-330. doi:10.1080/13698230.2022.2039541
Williges, Keith; Meyer, Lukas; Steininger, Karl; Kirchengast, Gottfried (2022). Fairness critically conditions the carbon budget allocation across countries.In: Global Environmental Change: human and policy dimensions. 74. 102481. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2022.102481
Meyer, Lukas H.; Truccone Borgogno, Santiago (2022). Legitimate Expectations: Assessing Policies of Transformation to a Low-Carbon Society. In: Environmental Values. 31,6. 2022. 701-720. doi:10.3197/096327122X16386102424001
Meyer, Lukas; Pölzler, Thomas (2022). Basic Needs and Sufficiency: The Foundations of Intergenerational Justice. In: Stephen Gardiner (ed.): Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2022. 1-32. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190881931.013.23
Meyer, Lukas (2020). Intergenerational Justice, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Steininger, Karl, Lukas Meyer, Stefan Nabernegg, and Gottfried Kirchengast (2020). Sectoral carbon budgets as an evaluation framework for the built environment. In: Buildings & Cities. 1,1. 2020. 337– 360. doi:10.5334/bc.32
Meyer, Lukas; de Araujo, Marcelo (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Climate Change: Why Have Responses Been So Different? In: e-international relations. APR 20 2020. 2020. 1-6.
Meyer, Lukas (2019). Dimensioni temporali nel dibattito sulla giustizia climatica. In: Lessico di Etica Pubblica. 10,2. 2019. 16-31.
Other publications
Meyer, Lukas (2023). Justice in Time. A Future-Oriented Rationale for Returning the Padrão from Germany to Namibia. In: Thomas Sandkühler, Angelika Epple, Jürgen Zimmerer (Hg.): Historical Culture by Restitution? A Debate on Art, Museums, and Justice. Leiden. Brill Publishing. 2023. 237- 255.
Meyer, Lukas (2023). Justiça Intergeracional. Por que devemos nos preocupar com as gerações futuras e as gerações passadas? Florianópolis. NéfipOnline. 2023.
Meyer, Lukas; Pinzani, Alessandro (Hg.) (2022). Lessico di Etica Pubblica (Lexicon of Public Ethics). Basic Needs: Normative Perspectives. Cuneo. Centro Studi sul Pensiero Contemporaneo.
Meyer, Lukas; Pinzani, Alessandro (2022). Introduction to Basic Needs: Normative Perspectives. In: Lessico di Etica Pubblica. 13,1. 2022. III-V.
Meyer, Lukas; Waligore, Timothy (Hg.) (2022). Rectifying Historical Injustice. Debating the Supersession Thesis. United Kingdom. Routledge.
Meyer, Lukas; Barbara Reiter; Helmut Konrad (Hg.) (2022). Wem und was gehört Europa? Graz. Unipress Verlag.
Reiter, Barbara; Lukas Meyer (2022). Einleitung: Krisen und Tod. In: Meyer, Lukas; Barbara Reiter; Helmut Konrad (Hg.): Wem und was gehört Europa? Graz. Unipress Verlag.
Meyer, Lukas (2022). Einleitung: Restitution und strukturelles Unrecht. In: Meyer, Lukas; Barbara Reiter; Helmut Konrad (Hg.): Wem und was gehört Europa? Graz. Unipress Verlag. 2022. 90-92.
Reiter, Barbara; Lukas Meyer; Helmut Konrad (2022). Einleitung Denkzeitraum "Wem und was gehört Europa?". In: Meyer, Lukas; Barbara Reiter; Helmut Konrad (Hg.): Wem und was gehört Europa? Graz. Unipress Verlag. 2022. 14-16.
Meyer, Lukas (2015): Die Grundstruktur als institutionelle Ausprägung von John Rawls' Gerechtigkeit als Fairness. In: Otfried Höffe (Ed.): John Rawls: Politischer Liberalismus. Berlin. de Gruyter. 147 - 162.
Ortner, Florian; Brantl, Dirk; Meyer, Lukas; Steininger, Karl; Sass, Oliver (2015): Economic and Ethical Consequences of Natural Hazards in Alpine Valleys (EE-Con). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna.
Kolstad, Charles; Urama, Kevin; Broome, John; Bruvoll, Annegrete; Fullerton, Don; Gollier, Christian; Hahnemann, William Michael; Hassan, Rashid; Jotzo, Frank; Khan, Mizan R.; Meyer, Lukas; Mundaca, Louis; Olvera, Cariño: Social, Economic, and Ethical Concepts and Methods. In: Ottmar Edenhofer et al. (2015) (Ed.): Climate Change 2014. Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. New York. Cambridge University Press. 2015. 207 - 282, 75 pgs.
Meyer, Lukas; Sanklecha, Pranay; Zellentin, Alexa (2015): Guest Editors' Introduction to “Symposium: Intergenerational Justice and Natural Resources”. In: Meyer, Lukas; Peacock, Mark; Schaber, Peter; Schefczyk, Michael (Ed.): Journal of Moral Philosophy and Politics. Berlin. de Gruyter. 1-5.
Meyer, Lukas (2015): Intergenerational Justice. In: Edward N. Zalta (Ed.): The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University. URL = <; justice-intergenerational/>. ca. 55 pgs.
Meyer, Lukas; Reiter, Barbara (2015): Einleitung: Zum Glück in Graz. In: Meyer, Lukas; Reiter, Barbara (Ed.): Wem gehört das Glück? Werkstattgespräche hinter dem Grazer Glockenspiel und im öffentlichen Raum. Graz. Leykam. 10-13.
Meyer, Lukas (2015): Vorwort. In: Meyer, Lukas; Reiter, Barbara (Ed.): Wem gehört das Glück? Werkstattgespräche hinter dem Grazer Glockenspiel und im öffentlichen Raum. Graz. Leykam. 8-9.
Steininger, Karl; Lininger, Christian; Droege, S.; Roser, Dominic; Tomlinson, D.; Meyer, Lukas (2014): Justice and cost effectiveness of consumption-based versus production-based approaches in the case of unilateral climate policies. In: Global Environmental Change: human and policy dimensions. 24. 75 - 87.
Meyer, Lukas; Sanklecha, Pranay (2014): How Legitimate Expectations Matter in Climate Justice. In: Politics, Philosophy & Economics. 13,3. 369 - 393.
Meyer, Lukas (2013) Why Historical Emissions Should Count. In: Chicago Journal of International Law. 13,2. 598 - 614.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2013): Climate Justice. Past Emissions and the Present Allocation of Emission Rights. In: Jean-Christophe Merle (Ed.): Spheres of Global Justice. Dordrecht. Springer. 705 - 712.
Meyer, Lukas; Motzkin, Gabriel; Neiman, Susan; Schlink, Bernhard (2013): Die Moral der nWiedergutmachung. Ein philosophisches Gespräch. In: José Brunner, Constantin Goschler und Norbert Frei (Ed.): Die Globalisierung der Wiedergutmachung. Politik, Moral, Moralpolitik.Göttingen. Wallstein Verlag. 291 - 320.
Clare, Heyward; Meyer, Lukas; Zellentin, Alexa (2012): Introduction: Responsibility in International Political Philosophy. In: Ethical Perspectives. 613 - 625.
Meyer, Lukas (2012): Verantwortung für die Zeit. In: Lukas Meyer, Barbara Reiter, Alexa Zellentin (Ed.): Wem gehört die Zeit? Ein Sommer in Graz.
Meyer, Lukas (2012): Müssen zukünftig lebende Menschen schon heute Angst haben? In: Dietmar Goltschnigg (Ed.): Angst. Lähmender Stillstand und Motor des Fortschritts. Tübingen. Stauffenberg. 115 - 120.
Meyer, Lukas (2012): How to Relate to Past and Future People? Challenges of Intergenerational Justice. In: Lukas Meyer (Ed.): Intergenerational Justice. Aldershot/London. Ashgate.
Meyer, Lukas (2012): Surviving Duties and Symbolic Compensation (reprint). In: Lukas H. Meyer (Ed.): Intergenerational Justice. London. Ashgate. 2012.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2012): Enough for the Future (reprint). In: Lukas H. Meyer (Ed.): Intergenerational Justice. London. Ashgate.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2012): Climate Justice and Historical Emissions (reprint). In: Lukas H. Meyer (Ed.): Intergenerational Justice. London. Ashgate. 2012.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2012): Klimaökonomische Studien und intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit. In: Buchholz, Wolfgang (Ed.): Wirtschaftsethische Perspektiven IX. Berlin. nDuncker & Humblot. 151 - 191, 40 S.
Meyer, Lukas (2012): Klimawandel und historische Gerechtigkeit. Eine philosophische Analyse. In: Felix Ekardt (Ed.): Klimagerechtigkeit. Ethische, rechtliche, ökonomische und transdisziplinäre Zugänge. Marburg. Metropolis. 83 - 103.
Meyer, Lukas; Sanklecha, Pranay (2011): Individual Expectations and Climate Change. In: Analyse & nKritik: Zeitschrift fuer Sozialtheorie. 32,2. 449 - 471.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2011): The Timinig of Benefits of Climate Policies. Reconsidering the Opportunity Cost Argument. In: Jahrbuch fuer Wissenschaft und Ethik. 16 (2011). 179 - 213.
Meyer, Lukas; Sanklecha, Pranay (2011): Editorial. In: Analyse & Kritik: Zeitschrift fuer Sozialtheorie. 32,2. 369 - 370.
Meyer, Lukas (2011): Klimawandel und historische Gerechtigkeit. In: Michael Brzoska, Martin B. Kalinowski, Volker Matthies, Berthold Meyer (Ed.): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Versicherheitlichung versus präventive Friedenspolitik. Baden-Baden. Nomos. 83 - 99, 16 S
Meyer, Lukas; Matravers, Matthew (2011): Introduction: Democracy, Equality, and Justice. In: Lukas Meyer und Matthew Matravers (Ed.): Democracy, Equality, and Justice. London. Routledge.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2011): Climate Justice and Historical Emissions. In: Meyer, Lukas, Matravers, Matthew (Ed.): Democracy, Equality, and Justice. London. Routledge.
Meyer, Lukas; Matravers, Matthew (2011): Brian Barry: 1936-2009. In: Lukas Meyer und Matthew Matravers (Ed.): Democracy, Equality, and Justice. London. Routledge.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2010): Climate Justice and Historical Emissions. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 2010,1. 229 - 253.
Meyer, Lukas; Matravers, Matthew (2010): Democracy, Equality and Justice. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 2010,1. 1 - 15.
Meyer, Lukas; Matravers, Matthew (2010): Brian Barry. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 2010,1. 255 - 257.
Meyer, Lukas (2010): Rechte zukünftiger Generationen. In: Sandkühler, Hans Jörg u.a. (Ed.): Europäische Enzyklopädie zu Philosophie und Wissenschaften. Hamburg. Meiner.
Meyer, Lukas; Roser, Dominic (2010): Climate Justice: Past Emissions and the Present Allocation of Emission Rights. In: Cobben, Paul, Coppens, Philippe, Gosseries, Axel, Marti, Urs (Ed.): Distributive Justice. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Springer.
Meyer, Lukas (2010): Historical Injustice. In: Bevir, Mark (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Political Theory. Thousand Oaks. Sage.
Meyer, Lukas; Matravers, Matthew (2010): Justice, Equality, and Democracy. In: Lukas Meyer und Matthew Matravers (Ed.): Justice, Equality, and Democracy. London. Routledge.
Meyer, Lukas H. und Matravers, Matt (Hg.) (2011): "Democracy, Equality and Justice. (Political Studies Review, PDF)
Meyer, Lukas H. (2011): "Klimawandel und historische Gerechtigkeit", in: Klimawandel und Konflikte, hg. Brzoska, Michael et al.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2010): "Historische Gerechtigkeit. Möglichkeit und Anspruch", in: Jahrbuch für Politik und Geschichte 1 (2010), hg. Fröhlich, Claudia; Schmid, Harald et al. (via Website des Franz Steiner Verlags)
Meyer, Lukas H. und Dominic Roser (2010): „Climate Justice and Historical Emissions”, in: Justice, Equality and Democracy, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Heft 3; auch in Buch (2011) (London: Routledge), hg. Matt Matravers und Lukas Meyer.
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (2009): Legitimacy, Justice and Public International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (2009) (mit Axel Gosseries): Intergenerational Justice (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (2009) (mit Jörg Chet Tremmel): „Historical Injustice”, Intergenerational Justice Review 9 (Heft 1).
Meyer, Lukas H. und Pranay Sanklecha (2009), „Legitimacy, Justice, and Public International Law: Three Perspectives on the Debate”, in: Legitimacy, Justice and Public International Law, hg. Lukas H. Meyer(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Meyer, Lukas H. (2009): „Intergenerationelle Suffizienzgerechtigkeit“, Was ist Generationengerechtigkeit? (Ordnungs-)ökonomische Antworten, Eucken Institut (Hg.) (Tübingen: Mohr, Siebeck).
Meyer, Lukas H. (2009): „Klimawandel und Gerechtigkeit“, Transit 36, 80-107.
Meyer, Lukas H. und Axel Gosseries (2009): „Intergenerational Justice and Its Challenges“, in: Intergenerational Justice, hg. Lukas H. Meyer und Axel Gosseries (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Meyer, Lukas H. und Dominic Roser (2009): „Enough for the Future”, in: Intergenerational Justice, hg. Lukas H. Meyer und Axel Gosseries (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Meyer, Lukas H. (2008): „Intergenerational Justice“, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), hg. Edward N. Zalta
Meyer, Lukas H. (2008): „Gerechtigkeit zwischen den Generationen“, Handbuch der politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie, Stefan Gosepath, Wilfried Hinsch, Beate Rössler (Hg.) (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).
Meyer, Lukas H. (2008): „Normative Autorität“, Handbuch der politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie, Stefan Gosepath, Wilfried Hinsch, Beate Rössler (Hg.) (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter).
Meyer, Lukas H. und Dominic Roser (2006): „Distributive Justice and Climate Change“, Analyse & Kritik 28, 223-49.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2006): „Reparations and Symbolic Restitution“, Journal of Social Philosophy 37, 406-22.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2006): „Nach dem Recht auf Rückkehr“, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 623-39.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2005): Historische Gerechtigkeit (de Gruyter: Berlin und New York).(458 S.)
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (2004): Justice in Time. Responding to Historical Injustice (Baden-Baden: NOMOS).
Meyer, Lukas H. (2004): „Compensating Wrongless Historical Emissions of Greenhouse Gases“, Ethical Perspectives 11, 22-37.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2004): Historical Injustice and the Right of Return, Theoretical Inquiries in Law 5, 305-15.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2004): „Surviving Duties and Symbolic Compensation“, in Justice in Time. Responding to Historical Injustice, hg. Lukas H. Meyer (Baden-Baden: NOMOS), 221-45.
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (mit Stanley Paulson und Thomas Pogge) (2003): Rights, Culture, and the Law: Themes from the Legal and Political Philosophy of Joseph Raz (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (2003): „Reproductive Rights“, Ethical Perspectives 10 (Hefte 3 und 4).
Meyer, Lukas H. (2003): „Obligations Persistantes et Réparation Symbolique“, Revue Philosophique de Louvain 101, 105-22.
Meyer, Lukas H. (2003): „Past and Future: The Case for a Threshold Notion of Harm“, in Rights, Culture, and the Law: Themes from the Legal and Political Philosophy of Joseph Raz, hg. Lukas Meyer, Stanley Paulson und Thomas Pogge (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 143-59.
Meyer, Lukas H. (Hg.) (mit Robert Alexy, Stanley Paulson, Gerhard Sprenger) (2002): Rechtsphilosophie und Neukantianismus (Baden-Baden: NOMOS).
Lukas Meyer
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