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Conferences: Invited talks

Parncutt, R. (2023 October). Vorsprachliche Psychologie und der Ursprung des Menschen (Prenatal Psychology and the Origins of Humanity). 35. Jahrestagung der Internationalen Gesellschaft für prä- und perinatale Psychologie und Medizin (ISPPM), Heidelberg, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2019, October). The obstetric dilemma, the mother schema, and musical-religious ritual. Keynote at Psychology and Music: Interdisciplinary Encounters, Belgrade, Serbia.

Parncutt, R. (2018, May). Promoting European music psychology research: Cultural diversity, bilingualism, English as lingua franca, peer review, academic quality. Keynote at Polish Music Psychology Conference, Katowice, Poland.

Dukic, H., & Parncutt, R. (2018, October). Music and subconscious imagery. Invited paper at the International Sound & Film Music Festival 2017, Pula.

Parncutt, R. (2017, October). The science and psychology of music performance: Retrospect and prospects. Keynote at I Congreso internacional de Psicología de la Música y la Interpretación Musical, Madrid, Spain.

Parncutt, R. (2017, October). How does the emotion get into the music? Invited paper at International Sound and Film Music Festival, Pula, Croatia.

Parncutt, R. (2016, November). The missing fundamentals of music theory: A psycho-historical theory of major-minor tonality. Keynote at Melbourne Music Analysis Summer School, Melbourne, Australia.

Parncutt, R. (2015, November). Imagination in music: A challenge for humanities, sciences, and their interaction. Keynote at CIM, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China.

Parncutt, R. (2015, August). Understanding major-minor tonality: Humanities meet sciences. Keynote at ESCOM, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK.

Parncutt, R. (2014, June). Interdisciplinary interactions between sciences and humanities in music research. Keynote at Audio Communication Day, TU Berlin, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2012, May). Can humanities and sciences really work together? Invited paper at SysMus, Faculty of Music, University of Montreal, Canada.

Parncutt, R. (2012, March). Interdisciplinary musicology: Bringing together humanities and sciences. Keynote at National Symposium on Music Research in Finland, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Parncutt, R. (2011, September-October). The transdisciplinary foundation of (European) music theory. Keynote at European Music Analysis Conference, Conservatorio di Musica “S. Cecilia”, Rome, Italy.

Parncutt, R. (2011, May). Intercultural music psychology: Better late than never. Keynote at Austrian committee of the International Council of Traditional Music, Vienna, Austria.

Parncutt, R. (2009, November). Remapping musicology: Thoughts of a disciplinary Other. Invited paper at ESF Strategic Workshop “Musicology (Re-) Mapped”, Warsaw, Poland.

Parncutt, R. (2009, January). The role of music in cultural integration. Invited paper at Musique et Cognition : Autour de l'apport de John Sloboda, Paris, France.

Parncutt, R. (2008, December). Assessment of quality and impact at the interface between humanities and sciences: The case of (systematic) musicology. Invited paper at Relevance and Impact of the Humanities, Vienna, Austria.

Parncutt, R. (2008, September). Unity in diversity: Bringing together humanities, sciences and practice within musicology and psychology. Keynote at DGM, Hannover, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2008, September). Kindliche Entwicklung musikalischer Fähigkeiten (Forum Förderung durch Musik). Invited paper at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Munich, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2008, August). Presentation and quality control in music psychology. Invited workshop at ICMPC, Sapporo, Japan.

Parncutt, R. (2007, October). Incorporating research into post-secondary performance teaching (by video link). Keynote at Music & ideas: Practice-based research, RCM, London, UK.

Parncutt, R. & Painsi, M. (2006, November). Aktuelles aus der musikalischen Performanceforschung: Effektives Üben und außermusikalische Transfereffekte. Invited paper at 8. internationaler Bundeskongress der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Musikerzieher Österreichs, Salzburg, Austria.

Parncutt, R. (2006, October). Prenatal “experience” and the phylogenesis and ontogenesis of music. Invited paper at Mozart & Science, Baden bei Wien, Austria.

Parncutt, R. (2006, July). Can researchers help artists? Music performance research for music students. Keynote at Teaching, Learning and Performing Music, RNCM, Manchester, UK.

Parncutt, R. (2005, November). Western music history, pitch salience, key profiles, and the origins of tonality. Keynote at Understanding and Creating Music, Caserta, Italy.

Parncutt, R. (2005, November). Aktuelle internationale Forschung zur emotionalen Wirkung von Musik. Invited paper at Transdisziplinäre Diskussion zum Thema Musikbiologie, Berlin, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2005, March). Interdisciplinary research on musical timbre: Bringing together sciences, humanities and musical practice. Keynote at CIM, Montréal, Canada.

Parncutt, R., & Tan, A. P. (2005, January-February). The tritone paradox and the dominance regions of spectral and virtual pitch. Invited paper at Biennial Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra, Australia.

Parncutt, R. (2004, November). Educational applications of scientific research on music performance. Keynote at International Symposium on Psychology and Music Education, Padova, Italy.

Parncutt, R. (2004, May). Psychological relevance of mathematical music theory. Invited paper at Minicolloquium on Mathematical Music Theory, Graz, Austria.

Parncutt, R. (2004, May). Perception of musical structure. Invited paper at Science and Music - The Impact of Music, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2001, September). Interdisciplinary balance, international collaboration, and the future of (German) (historical) musicology. Invited paper at Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, Hannover, Germany.

Parncutt, R. (2000, April). Structured listening to recover a performer's conception of musical structure. Invited paper at Royal Musical Association, Southampton, UK.

Parncutt, R. (1998, March). Fondements psychoacoustiques du système musical occidental. Invited paper at Club de Neuro-audio-acoustique, Dijon, France.

Parncutt, R. (1997, September). Modeling piano performance: Physics and cognition of a virtual pianist. Invited paper at ICMC, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr.phil.

Richard Parncutt

Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr.phil. Richard Parncutt Centre for Systematic Musicology

Glacisstr. 27/1
8010 Graz, Austria

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8161

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