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Weltraumrecht - Space Law

217.155 Weltraumrecht - Space Law (4SSt SE, SS 2016) - Seminar

Christian Brünner
Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt
Anita Rinner
Alexander Soucek

Project Assistant
Hannes Mayer 

Beginn 3. März 2016, 8.00-10.00 Uhr, SR 15.41
(Details in UniGrazOnline)

Recommended Books

Space Law Essentials Vol. 1 Textbook
Alexander Soucek
Space Law Essentials Vol. 1 Textbook (Buch kartoniert)

Werner Hauser (Hrsg.)

Linde Praktikerskripten

1. Auflage 2015 | 144 Seiten | Linde Verlag

ISBN: 9783707331936

Erscheinungstermin: 16.03.2015

24,00 €

Space Law Essentials Vol. 2 Casebook 
Anita Rinner / Hannes Mayer / Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt / Christian Brünner

Space Law Essentials Vol. 2 Casebook (Buch kartoniert)

Linde Praktikerskripten

1. Auflage 2015 | 96 Seiten | Linde Verlag

ISBN: 9783707331943

Erscheinungstermin: 16.03.2015

18,00 €

A Compact Access to Space Law

Space Law Essentials (Vol.1 Textbook & Vol. 2 Casebook) presents the theory and practice of space law in a modern, user-oriented format. It stands apart from existing space law literature since it is the first book that

  • introduces space law in a compact and comprehensible manner;
  • explains the legal issues that may arise during the lifecycle of a space mission;
  • uses –> cross-references to facilitate ‘diagonal reading’;
  • shows how space law and technology intertwine;
  • addresses law students and space practitioners alike.


    • Mag. Alexander Soucek, Legal Officer (focus: International Law and Space Law), European Space Agency ESA.

    • Mag. Anita Rinner, Trainee Lawyer, Lecturer in Space Law and Policy, University of Graz.

    • Hannes Mayer, Project contributor at the Institute for Public Law, Student Assistant at the Institute for Canon Law, University of Graz.

    • Dr. Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt, Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations at the respective department of the University of Graz.

    • Dr. Christian Brünner, Professor Emeritus

Neuigkeiten 2014

Publikation 2011

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt, „International Space Law and Developing Countries, in: Outer Space. Legal, Political and Social Aspects.  Brünner, Christian; Soucek, Alexander (Eds.), 1st Edition, 2011, 450 p., ISBN: 978-3-7091-0663-1.  Springer Verlag

Assoz. Prof. Mag.iur. Dr.iur.

Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt

Assoz. Prof. Mag.iur. Dr.iur. Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt Institut für Völkerrecht und Internationale Beziehungen
Telefon:+43 316 380 - 3419

Mi. / Wed. 11.45 - 12.15

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