Short Vita
1987 Diploma in Ethnology 1987 at the University of Aix-Marseille I (F), doctorate 1990 in Philosophy at FB 03 at the University of Marburg (D), habilitation 2004 in Popular Culture Studies at the University of Zurich (CH).
1990-2004 Professional activity in research and teaching (assistant, senior assistant, head of research, lecturer, visiting professor) at the Universities of Basel, Francfort/M., Fribourg/S., Hamburg, Innsbruck, Marburg, Neuchâtel, Turku, Zurich. Field research in France, Corsica, Switzerland, Hungary and other countries.
2004-2008 Scientific Director of the interdisciplinary research laboratory Centre for Cultural Studies in Architecture at the Architecture Department of ETH Zurich.
2008-2009 Visiting professorships at the Universities of Marburg (D) and Innsbruck (AT).
Main focus: critical cultural studies, everyday research, political anthropology, mobility studies, cultural studies in architecture (
Johanna Rolshoven