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2020. Leonesisch und Kastilisch im Mittelalter – Konkurrenz und gemeinsame Tendenzen in Urkunden des 13.–15. Jahrhunderts [Leonese and Castilian in the Middle Ages – Concurrence and shared tendencies in documents from the 13th to 15th centuries]. Munich: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (= Ph.D. thesis).

2009. Die Grenzen des Königreichs León in der Zeit der Sekundogenitur von 1157–1230 [The borders of the Kingdom of León during the secundogeniture between 1157 and 1230]. Erlangen: M.A. thesis.

Journal articles and book chapters:

In preparation. Functional and semantic differentiation of adjective-based adverbs in Brazilian Portuguese (with Katharina Gerhalter)

In preparation. Adverbiales con preposición y base adjetiva en la diacronía del español. Un estudio de corpus [Adverbials with preposition and adjectival base in the diachrony of Spanish. A corpus study]. (with David Porcel Bueno)

In preparation. Reduplication in Italian. A contribution from the Southern Italian variety Montellese (Campania). (with Cesarina Vecchia)

In preparation. Avverbiali del tipo preposizione + aggettivo in una varietà meridionale: il dialetto irpino di Montella (CA). Una ricerca sul campo [Adverbials of the type 'preposition + adjective' in a meridional variety: the Irpinian dialect of Montella (CA). A field research]. (with Cesarina Vecchia)

In preparation. Language contact in the Regno di Napoli and the hispanicization of Neapolitan. To appear in Leonardo Cerno/Hans-Jörg Döhla/Miguel Gutiérrez Maté/Robert Hesselbach/Joachim Steffen (eds.), Contact varieties of Spanish and Spanish-lexified contact varieties (HSK). Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.

In preparation. Morphologie [Morphology]. In Thomas Krefeld, Daniela Marzo and Noemi Piredda (eds.), Leitfaden der synchronen italienischen Linguistik. München: LMU. (mit Daniela Marzo)

In preparation. Italienische Sprachgeschichte. Erhaltenes /au/ in meridionalen Dialekten als Resultat eines sabellischen Substrats? [Linguistic history of Italian. Conserved /au/ in meridional dialects as a result of Sabellic substrate?]

In press. Elisión vocálica en castellano medieval y en el español de Hispanoamérica [Vocalic elision in Medieval Spanish and in Latin American Spanish]. To appear in Álvaro Ezcurra & Carlos Garatea (eds.), Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua. Berlin etc.: Peter Lang. (with Patricia de Crignis)

2021. La etimologia del futuro de subjuntivo en oraciones condicionales, temporales y relativas. El futurum perfectum latino [The etymology of the future subjunctive in conditional, temporal and relative clauses. The Latin future perfectum]. Cuadernos del Instituto Historia de la Lengua 14. 11–48. https://cuadernos.cilengua.es/revista/revista-cuadernos-14/

2020a. Adverbials with Adjectival Basis in Brazilian Portuguese and their Frequency in Spoken and Written Language. Studia UBB Philologia 65(4). 189–208. (with Katharina Gerhalter). https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2020.4.12

2020b. Materiali per la ricerca sul campo panromanza: il modello del questionario [Materials for Pan-Romance field research: a model questionnaire]. In Inka Wissner, David Porcel Bueno, Stefan Koch & Martin Hummel, Materials for Pan-Romance Field Research. Guide – Questionnaire – Worksheets, Open access publication, 72 Seiten, 22–31. Graz: Karl-Franzens-Universität. (with Cesarina Vecchia und Inka Wissner). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3922232

2020c. The Notion of Motif where Disciplines Intersect: Folkloristics, Narrativity, Bioinformatics, Automatic Text Processing and Linguistics. In Iva Novakova & Dirk Siepmann (eds.), Phraseology and Style in Subgenres of the Novel: A Synthesis of Corpus and Literary Perspectives, 17–46. London: Palgrave MacMillan. (with Dominique Legallois)

2019a. Prepositional Adverbials in the Diachrony of Romance: a State of the Art. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 135(4). 1080–1137. (with Martin Hummel, Adrian Chircu, Benjamín García Hernández, Jairo Javier García Sánchez, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner). https://doi.org/10.1515/zrp-2019-0062

2019b. Desde scriptae leonesas a scriptae castellanas en el fondo documental del monasterio de San Pedro de Eslonza. Grafías romances y, ll y j, i para lat. -LI-, diacronía, difusión léxica y factores de frecuencia [From Leonese to Castilian scriptae in the documents from the monastery San Pedro de Eslonza. Romance graphemes <y, ll, j> for Latin -LI-, diachrony, lexical diffusion and frequency factors]. Philologia Hispalensis 33(1). 83–94.

2016. Trazas del leonés en documentos tardíomedievales de San Pedro de Eslonza [Traces of Leonese in documents from San Pedro de Eslonza in the Late Middle Ages]. In Chiara Albertìn & Santiago del Rey (eds.), Hispanica Patavina. Estudios de historiografía e historia de la lengua española en homenaje a José Luis Rivarola (Sghiribizzi 4), 347–356. Padua: CLEUP.

2014. Scriptae leonesas. Acercamiento al fondo documental del Monasterio San Pedro de Eslonza [Leonese scriptae. An approach to the documents from the monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza]. In Vicente Álvarez, Elena Díez del Corral and Natacha Reynaud (eds.), Dándole cuerda al reloj. Ampliando perspectivas en lingüística histórica de la lengua española, 483–502. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

2013a. Sobre el contacto del leonés con el castellano en la Edad Media. Estudio preliminar de ocho documentos de San Pedro de Eslonza (1241-1280) [On the contact of Leonese with Castilian in the Middle Ages. A preliminary study of eight documents from San Pedro de Eslonza (1241-1280)]. In Emili Casanova and Cesáreo Calvo (eds.), Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románicas (6–11 de septiembre de 2010, Valencia), vol. VIII, 595–608: Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter.

2013b. Graphematische Variation in leonesischen Skriptae. Ergebnis von Empfängerausstellung oder ‘Einzelmigration’? [Graphematic variation in Leonese scriptae. A result of issuance by the beneficiary or migration of a single scribe?]. In Thomas Stehl, Claudia Schlaak and Lena Busse (eds.), Sprachkontakt, Sprachvariation, Migration: Methodenfragen und Prozessanalysen (Sprachkontakte. Variation, Migration und Sprachdynamik 2), 391–413. Frankfurt am Main etc.: Peter Lang.


In preparation. Expanding Romance Linguistics - Crossing the Boundaries. Two volumess. (with Katharina Gerhalter)

2020. (ed.) Materials for Pan-Romance Field Research. Guide – Questionnaire – Worksheets. Free online publication, 72 pages. (with Inka Wissner, David Porcel Bueno & Martin Hummel). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3922232


2013. Estudio grafemático-fonológico de la documentación de un monasterio medieval leonés – procesos de castellanización y correspondencias gráfico-fónicas en los documentos de San Pedro de Eslonza [A graphematic-phonological study of the documents from a medieval Leonese monastery – Castilianisation processes and graphic-phonic correspondencies in the documents from San Pedro de Eslonza] . In Jean-Marie Pierrel et al. (eds.), Pré-actes. 27e Congrès International de Linguistique e Philologie Romanes, 280–281. Nancy: ATILF.

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