Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies (AIFRS)
In February 2021 the Arqus European University Alliance launched the Arqus International Forum on Romance Studies, acronym AIFRS.
The AIFRS was founded by Victoriano Peña Sánchez (University of Granada), David Porcel Bueno (University of Granada), Fausto De Michele (University of Graz), Katharina Gerhalter (University of Graz) and Stefan Koch (University of Graz), who serve as the AIFRS board until 2023.
The AIFRS is a multilingual, interdisciplinary network for research and teaching on the Romance languages. It is formed by scholars from the seven Arqus universities Granada, Graz, Padua, Bergen, Lyon, Leipzig und Vilnius.
The official website is online since July, there you will find further information und contacts.
The original Arqus-news of the creation of the network can be found here:
Already running or fixed events (selection):
- Arqus International Summer School/Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme: "The Romance languages in the Americas and in Africa".
Website: - Colloquium on Romance Linguistics (during summer term 2021 and winter term 2021/22 hosted by Martin Hummel, Graz)
Official announcement by Arqus:
Past events (selection):
- AIFRS Seminario Internacional: “Contactos, conexiones e influencias lingüísticas en la Romania meridional (España, Italia y Portugal)”.
Official announcement by Arqus: