introduction to economics
i am teaching a new economics principles class
all videos (in german) are available on our podcast server
and as a youtube playlist: youtube playlist
i am teaching the class in this sequence:
my goals with teaching this class
first lecture - what is economics?
first Lecture - how do economics researchers add to the body of knowledge?
first lecture - people pursue goals
second lecture - arbitrage with exchange rates
second lecture - arbitrage with sports bets
second lecture - the idea behind financial derivative pricing
third lecture - efficiency, fairness, trade, and a bit about free trade agreements
fourth lecture - market allocations and market values (or prices)
fourth lecture - Pareto-efficiency and markets
fourth lecture - rationing and ticket scalping
fifth lecture - student accommodation (supply and demand)
sixth lecture - where do prices come from? (in a market)
sixth lecture - a supply and demand classroom experiment
sixth lecture - what is driving changes in prices?
sixth lecture - from market demand to demand for a particular producer
sixth lecture - when Air Berlin went out of business
seventh lecture - pricing in the presence of a flat demand function
seventh lecture aside - good and bad monopolies: the case of Google
seventh lecture aside - good and bad monopolies: the case of Coca-Cola (or Red Bull)
eighth lecture - calculating gross domestic product (GDP)
eighth lecture - what does GDP (not) measure?
ninth lecture - credit markets - financial markets
ninth lecture - risk premia under independent risks
ninth lecture - risk premia under non-independent risks
ninth lecture aside - insurance
ninth lecture aside - moral hazard
ninth lecture aside - the winner’s curse
tenth lecture - the job market
tenth lecture aside - equal opportunities
eleventh lecture - negative externalities
eleventh lecture aside - advertising bans on cigarettes and alcohol
eleventh lecture – solutions to negative externalities through taxation
eleventh lecture aside – why don’t we have a global carbon tax?
more to follow (12 lectures in total)
Christoph Kuzmics

Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre