the 2nd occasional workshop on economic theory, September 10 & 11, 2016
Resowi Center, Kleines Sitzungszimmer G2, University of Graz
recommended entrance via Schubertstrasse (see map below), then take stairs (or lift) to floor number 2, and you are almost there
most likely program
general: talks are 45 mins followed by a 15mins open discussion
19-... dinner at Hotel Wiesler directly (a table is booked for 10-12 people under Christoph Kuzmics - I will be there); you can look at the menu; we will be inside
9-10 Jakub Steiner, CERGE-EI Prague and University of Edinburgh
"Optimal Illusion of Control and related perception biases", joint with Olivier Gossner
10-11 N. Aygun Dalkiran, Bilkent University
"Perfect Bayesian Equilibria in Reputation Games with Nested Information Structure", joint work with Serdar Yuksel
11-11.30 coffee break
11.30-12.30 Peter Eso, University of Oxford
"Voting / market design for votes"
12.30-14.30 lunch break at Purberg (we will be inside)
14.30-15.30 Stephan Lauermann, University of Bonn
"Learning and Price Discovery in a Search Model", joint work with Wolfram Merzyn and Gabor Virag
15.30-16 coffee break
16-17 Nenad Kos, Bocconi University
"Competing to make an offer in bilateral trade"
17-18.30 free discussion time
18.30-... workshop dinner (on me) at Stainzerbauer (if the weather permits it we will be outside - a sweater might be advisable)
9-10 Olivier Gossner, Ecole Polytechnique and London School of Economics
"How much is information worth? An instrumental approach", joint work with Michel de Lara
10-11 Florian Herold, University of Bamberg
"Evolution of Role-Taking", joint work with Christoph Kuzmics
11-11.30 coffee break
11.30-12.30 Mallesh Pai, Rice University
"Evaluating Forecasters", joint work with Rahul Deb and Maher Said
12.30-14.30 lunch break at Purberg (we will be inside)
14.30-15.30 Alp Atakan (co-organizer), Koc University
"Market selection and the information content of prices"
15.30-16 coffee break
16-17 Eran Shmaya, Kellogg School of Management and Tel Aviv University
"Unique monetary equilibrium in Bewley model with inflation", joint work with Tai-Wei Hu
17-18.30 free discussion time
18.30- dinner at Aiola upstairs (if the weather permits it we will be outside - a sweater might be advisable)
additional participants / discussants:
Mehmet Ekmekci, Boston College; Daniel Garcia, University of Vienna; Michael Greinecker, University of Graz; Melis Kartal, University of Vienna; Eeva Mauring, University of Vienna
workshop hotel
here is a map and path to get from the hotel to the workshop venue (the RESOWI-Zentrum); if this link does not work try this one
(either I or Michael Greinecker will pick you up at the hotel wiesler lobby at 8.30am)
Christoph Kuzmics

Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre