working papers
- Modeling Symbiont Dynamics and Coral Regulation under Changing Temperatures. With Jerome Cavailles and Martin Grube, revised August 2024, previous title: Bleaching as a result of coral optimization in a changing environment.
- Farkas' Lemma and complete indifference. With Florian Herold, April 2024, replaces A necessary condition for symmetric completely mixed Nash equilibria.
- Robust equilibria in cheap-talk games with fairly transparent motives. With Jan-Henrik Steg, Elshan Garashli, and Michael Greinecker, revised March 2024.
- Heterogeneous responsiveness to environmental stimuli. With Jerome Cavailles and Martin Grube, revised March 2024.
- An Ellsberg paradox for ambiguity aversion. With Brian Rogers and Xiannong Zhang, December 2022, replaces a part of Is Ellsberg behavior evidence of ambiguity aversion?
- Limit orders and Knightian uncertainty. With Michael Greinecker, revised August 2022, slides, my 30min video presentation at CMID 2020, Michael's 30 min presentation for RUD 2020, my 18min presentation at GAMES 2020 (in 2021).
- The distribution of article quality and inefficiencies in the market for scientific journals. With Philipp Kohlgruber, October 2017.
unpublished papers
- Coordination with Independent Private Values: Why Pedestrians Sometimes Bump into Each Other, February 2014. I wrote this paper without knowing this 2007 paper by Bill Sandholm, which is a mostly more comprehensive analysis than mine. I like the story in my paper, but there is little added value in terms of formal results. However this paper has eventually led to Renegotiation and Coordination with Private Values - with Yuval Heller, September 2019 and supplementary online appendix (see also above), which does have very new results.
- An incomplete information justification of symmetric equilibrium in symmetric games.
With Brian Rogers, November 2010. - The Evolution of Moral Codes of Behavior. With Carlos Rodriguez-Sickert, revised May 2009.
- Individual and group selection in symmetric 2-player games. November 2003.
Christoph Kuzmics

Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre