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Oral Scientific Publications

Year 2002

Presentations at International Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
ACE+ objectives, mission concept, and science team building
1st ACE+ International Science Team (ACE+ IST) Meeting, Graz, Austria, September 2002

Kirchengast, G.
End-to-end simulation of atmospheric sounding by occultation sensors – EGOPS4 and beyond
1st Int'l Workshop on Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate (OPAC-1), Graz, Austria, September 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (opening talk)
Occultations for probing atmosphere and climate: Setting the scene
1st Int'l Workshop on Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate (OPAC-1), Graz, Austria, September 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Climate change monitoring by radio occultation: From simulation studies via CHAMP to COSMIC and ACE+ constellations
Int'l COSMIC Radio Occultation Science Workshop, Boulder, CO, U.S.A., August 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (oral)
On self-calibration of GNSS occultation - An unbiased look at residual biases
27th Gen. Assembly of the Europ. Geophys. Society, Nice, France, April 2002.

Kirchengast, G
., W. Pötzi, J. Ramsauer, J. Fritzer, A.K. Steiner, P. Silvestrin, S. Syndergaard, M. Gorbunov, G.B. Larsen, K. Schultz, L. Kornblueh, H. Reichinger, and S. Healy (invited; opening talk)
The End-to-end GNSS Occultation Performance Simulator version 4 (EGOPS4): Overview, exemplary applications, and future avenues
Int'l Presentation Meeting of the ESA EGOPS Extension Study, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, March 2002.

Selected Further Presentations
(at Meetings of Int´l Bodies, Universities, Public Symposia, etc.)

Kirchengast, G., J. Ramsauer, and J. Fritzer (invited)
Generation of GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding (GRAS) test data - overview and setup
Mid-Term Review Meeting of the EUMETSAT GRAS Test Data Generation Study, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, December 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
ACE+ – Atmosphere and Climate Explorer based on GPS, GALILEO, and LEO-LEO radio occultation
BNSC/NERC (Brit. Nat. Space Centre/Natural Environ. Research Council) Town Meeting on 2nd Round Selection of ESA Earth Explorer Opportunity Missions, London, U.K., September 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
ACE+ – Atmosphere and Climate Explorer mission objectives, overview, and science requirements and ACEPASS – ACE+ Phase A Scientific Support Study on LEO-LEO occultation characterization
1st Meeting of the ACE+ Mission Advisory Group (ACE+ MAG), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, August 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Monitoring des Klimawandels mittels Okkultationsmethoden: von Simulationsstudien über CHAMP zu Konstellationsmissionen wie ACE+
Scientific Seminar at GFZ Potsdam, GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam, Germany, July 2002.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
EGOPS-Version 4: Objectives, new features, and future avenues
13th Meeting of the ESA/EUMETSAT GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding Science Advisory Group (GRAS-SAG), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, May 2002.

Kirchengast, G., U. Foelsche, A. Gobiet, and J. Ramsauer (invited)
Error analysis of GNSS radio occultation for climate applications: Sensitivity to instrumental errors, ionospheric residual and high-altitude initialization errors, and horizontal variability
Final Review Meeting of the ESA Atmos. Clim. Experiment (ACE) Science Support Study, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, March 2002.

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8431
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

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