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Oral Scientific Publications

Year 2012

Presentations at International Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

Kirchengast, G. (invited plenary)
Benchmark monitoring of greenhouse gases and climate change from space and opportunities for Australian science and industry
12th Australian Space Science Conference, Melbourne, Australia, September 2012

Kirchengast, G., and S. Schweitzer (invited)
A next-generation space geodetic technique: Profiling greenhouse gases and climate by microwave and infrared-laser occultation
EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, April 2012

Kirchengast, G., S. Schweitzer, V. Proschek, P. Bernath, B. Thomas, J.-G. Wang, J. Brooke, K. Tereszchuk,, G. Gonzalez Abad, R. Hargreaves, C. Beale, P. Martin, V. Kasiutsich, C. Gerbig, O. Kolle, and A. Loescher (oral)
Progress with LEO-LEO microwave and IR-laser occultation: performance results and Canary Islands greenhouse gases experiment
IROWG-2 International Workshop, Estes Park, CO, USA, March/April 2012

Selected Further Presentations
(at Meetings of Int'l Bodies, Universities, Public Symposia, etc.)

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Klimawandel – Quo Vadis? Über entscheidende Jahrzehnte für uns Menschen und die Tierwelt
Institutsseminar „Zoologie aktuell“, Institut für Zoologie/UniGraz, Graz, Dezember 2012

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Climate change – Quo vadis? On novel paths for climate change and its monitoring
SPACE Research Centre Distinguished Lecture Series, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, September 2012

Kirchengast, G., and OPSGRAS Team (invited)
Reference Occultation Processing System rOPS: context, intro, concept & design, and next steps
Joint ESA FFG-ALR WEGC rOPS Expert Meeting, Wegener Center/UniGraz, Graz, November 2012

Kirchengast, G., and A. K. Steiner (invited)
Monitoring von Treibhausgasen und Klimawandel mit Satelliten
Summer University – Graz in Space 2012, Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria, September 2012

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Wegener Center activities on radio occultation processing and climate studies: status and next
27th EUMETSAT/ESA GRAS-SAG Meeting, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, July 2012

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Remote sensing of atmosphere and climate by radio occultation: current status and newest algorithms
SPACE Research Centre 2-Day Short Course, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, April/May 2012 

Kirchengast, G
. (invited)
Underpinning climate science by GNSS radio occultation: Towards solving the global climate monitoring problem in the atmosphere
SPACE Research Centre Public Seminar, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, April 2012

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
A next-generation of GNSS radio occultation: greenhouse gases and climate change from microwave and infrared-laser occultation
SPACE Research Centre Public Seminar, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, March 2012

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8431
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

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