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Oral Scientific Publications

Year 2011

Presentations at International Conferences/Workshops/Seminars 

Kabas, T., G. Kirchengast, A. Leuprecht, and C. Bichler (poster)
WegenerNet climate station network: a new dataset supporting weather and climate studies at 1 km-scale resolution
AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2011

Kirchengast, G., S. Schweitzer, V. Proschek, P. Bernath, B. Thomas, J.-G. Wang, J. Brooke, K. Tereszchuk, G. Gonzalez-Abad, R. Hargreaves, C. Beale, P. Martin, V. Kasiutsich, C. Gerbig, O. Kolle, and A. Loescher (invited poster)
Profiling of greenhouse gases from space by infrared-laser occultation and demonstration by a 144 km crosslink experiment at the Canary Islands
AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2011

Kirchengast, G. (invited keynote)
GNSS radio occultation and LEO-LEO occultation for meteorology and climate: What’s achieved and what’s next
GNSS-RS 2011 – International Workshop on GNSS Rem. Sensing for Future Missions & Sci., Shanghai, China, August 2011

Kirchengast, G. (invited keynote)
GPS radio occultation for climate monitoring: Where we stand, what’s next and what’s beyond GPS
5th Formosat-3/COSMIC Data Users Workshop and Intl. Conference on GPS Radio Occultation (ICGPSRO) 2011, Taipeh, Taiwan, April 2011

Selected Further Presentations
(at Meetings of Int'l Bodies, Universities, Public Symposia, etc.)

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Earth Observation – Global Climate Change Monitoring for 21st Century Stewardship
Res. Core Area Environ. and Global Change Workshop, Univ. Graz, Graz, Austria, October 2011

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Globale Erdbeobachtung: Messung von Treibhausgasen (Global Earth Observation and Stewardship Research Highlight/FSP Umwelt und Globaler Wandel)
Tag der Forschung 2011, Univ. Graz, Graz, Austria, September 2011

Kirchengast, G.,S. Schweitzer, and V. Proschek (oral)
Benchmark der Klimazukunft: Mikrowellen- und Infrarotlaser-Okkultation zum Monitoring von Treibhausgasen und Klimawandel in der freien Atmosphäre
12. Österr. Klimatag, Univ. f. Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, September 2011

Kirchengast, G.
The University of Graz and Wegener Center’s atmospheric remote sensing and climate system research activities
Post-GNSSRS2011 Lectures and Discussion Circle Meeting, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Shanghai, China, August 2011

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Wegener Center Atmospheric Remote Sensing and Climate System Research Group Activities
Lunch Seminar, Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Melbourne, Australia, April 2011

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
GPS radio occultation for climate monitoring: Where we stand, what’s next and what’s beyond GPS
SPACE Research Centre Public Seminar, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, April 2011

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Weltklima im Wandel: Wo stehen wir, Wohin gehen wir und Was tun?
Treffen ÖKOPROFIT Arbeitsgruppe Nachhaltigkeit, Energie Graz GmbH&CoKG, Graz, Austria, January 2011

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8431
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

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