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Oral Scientific Publications

Year 2007

Presentations at International Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

Kirchengast, G.
, S. Schweitzer, and F. Ladstädter (invited keynote)
ACCURATE – Observing Greenhouse Gases, Isotopes, Wind, and Thermodynamic Variables by Combined MW Radio and IR Laser Occultation
3rd International Workshop on Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate (OPAC-3), Graz, Austria, September 2007.

Kirchengast, G., S. Schweitzer, and F. Ladstädter (invited keynote)
ACCURATE – Observing Greenhouse Gases, Isotopes, Wind, and Thermodynamic Variables by Combined MW Radio and IR Laser Occultation
3rd International Workshop on Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate (OPAC-3), Graz, Austria, September 2007.

Selected Further Presentations
(at Meetings of Int'l Bodies, Universities, Public Symposia, etc.)

M.Schwärz, M. Pock, B. Pirscher, and G. Kirchengast (invited)
Validation of IASI Retrieval Processing and Preparation of Climatology Processing
MULTICLIM Final Presentation Meeting, FFG-ALR, Vienna, Austria, November 2007.

Kirchengast, G., M. Schwaerz, M. Pock, A. Leuprecht, and EPS/MetOp RAO Project Partners (invited)
WegCenter EPS/MetOp Research Announcement of Opportunity (RAO) Projects and MULTICLIM: Introduction
MULTICLIM Final Presentation Meeting, FFG-ALR, Vienna, Austria, November 2007.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Der globale Klimawandel und regionale Energienutzung - Quo Vadis Alpe Adria Bio-Region?
11. Alpe Adria Biosymposium, Gleisdorf, Austria, November 2007.

Kirchengast, G., and Wegener Center ARSCliSys Research Group (invited)
Past, on-going, and planned Occultation Acitivities of the Wegener Center/University of Graz
Coordination Meeting ESA-FFG/ALR-WegC. WegCenter Occultation Acitivities, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, October 2007.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Der weltweite Klimawandel
Urania-Vortrag, Graz, Austria, October 2007.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Klimaforschung am Wegener Zentrum Graz: Aktuelle Schwerpunkte in der Klimamodellierung und -analyse
VRVis - Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria, October 2007.

Kirchengast, G., U. Foelsche, A.K. Steiner, A. Gobiet, M. Borsche, B. Pirscher, B.C. Lackner, and J. Fritzer (invited)
GPS Radio Occultation Based Climate Studies
22nd GRAS-SAG Meeting, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2007.

Kirchengast, G.
Unsere Erde bekommt Fieber - der Klimawandel als globale Herausforderung und Chance des 21. Jahrhunderts
Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion der Initiative "Gesunde Gemeinde Dobl" und des Vereins "Leben Lernen Wachsen (LeLeWa)", Dobl bei Graz, Austria, May 2007.

Kirchengast, G. (invited)
Der Klimawandel - Aktueller Wissensstand auf Basis des IPCC 2007 Weltklimaberichts sowie Vorstellung des Wegener Zentrums
LehrerInnenfortbildung, Universität Graz, Austria May 2007.

Kirchengast, G., S. Schweitzer, and F. Ladstaedter (invited)
Introduction for the ACCURATE Mission and ACCURAID Project: Joint Profiling of GHGs, Isotopes, Wind, and Thermodynamic Variables from Space
ACCURAID Final Presentation Meeting, FFG-ALRS, Vienna, Austria, March 2007.

Kirchengast, G. and S. Schweitzer (invited)
ACCURATE LIO Initial Assessment: Payload Characteristics, Requirements, Scientific Performance, Breadboarding
ACCURAID Final Presentation Meeting, FFG-ALR, Vienna, Austria, March 2007.

Kirchengast, G., M. Gorbunov, M. Schwaerz, S. Schweitzer, J. Ramsauer, and J. Fritzer (invited)
LEO-LEO Wave-optics and Differential Transmission Retrieval Studies with EGOPS5.2
ESA-ProdexCN1 Final Presentation Meeting, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, March 2007.

Kirchengast, G., U. Foelsche, A.K. Steiner, A. Gobiet, M. Borsche, B. Pirscher, B.C. Lackner, and J. Fritzer (invited)
GPS Radio Occultation Based Climate Studies, supported by EGOPS
ESA-ProdexCN1 Final Presentation Meeting, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, March 2007.

Kirchengast, G., J. Fritzer, J. Ramsauer, M. Schwaerz, M. Gorbunov, and the EGOPS5 Development Team (invited)
End-to-end Generic Occultation Performance Simulator EGOPS5: EGOPS5.2 Overview and Enhancements
ESA-ProdexCN1 Final Presentation Meeting, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, March 2007.

Kirchengast, G., S. Schweitzer, U. Foelsche, A.K. Steiner, B. Pirscher, M. Borsche, and A. Gobiet  (invited)
Wegener Center – Recent Results from Occultation Research and Climate Studies
21st Meeting of the ESA/EUMETSAT GNSS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding Science Advisory Group (GRAS-SAG), ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL, January 2007.

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8431
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

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